Depending upon your current social situation in college or past experiences, it can be hard to fully believe that you are capable of becoming the man on campus, but I can assure you, with focus and effort, you most certainly can and will. How is it that I am so sure you can rise from the most solitary of college existences to one full of adventure, accomplishment, and fun? Because I have seen it happen not only with others but with myself as well. It wasn't easy and I didn't have any guidance, but my desire and ability to keep trying despite failure after failure has provided me with valuable insight that I will pass on in this blog. I have since coached many others who have also experienced this transformation and have encouraged me to share this success with you.
So before we delve into this blog you need to purchase one thing, a journal or notebook that you use to keep track of your experiences and preform exercises that I will give you.
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